Recommended Vendors

I Personally recommend ALL the vendors listed below. They produce TOP QUALITY products and very reasonable rates. I have used many of them myself. Those that I have not purchased I have had written testimonials of their personal success.

Magick Suppliers

Witchcraft Exposed A Best seller! This contains valuable information and techniques for experienced AND novice magick workers

Red Magick Love Spells A Rather 'Jazzed-up' website, but persevere and you will purchase this excellent grimmoire directly and safely online. It conains many startling and foolproof spells - Many requiring no special equipment

Secret Love Techniques

Below are my reviews of what I consider to be 'Top Products'. I have not listed any of the hundreds of inferior products which you can find (and indeed can't stop finding) via google.

12 Simple Rules

An Amazing book. When I read this I knew where I had been going wrong in so many ways! They should charge $100 dollars it's really that good. I have bought copies for nearly all my friends as presents.


500 SECRETS about Men
This was the first internet book I bought. It will will open your eyes!
I was already married when I bought this book.
It has done
wonders in so many ways...

Make Women Laugh and
Fall in Love with

I Have personally recommended this book to about 12 of my male friends.
They have all had successes - Many of them on
the 1st night!!. It works like magic - Just read the testimonials....


Keep Your Marriage

Get Back A Lost Love

1000 Questions for Couples

Secret Wealth Techniques

The Ulitimate Wealth Package